Hi, Mrs. B.:
Long time no "sea." I started something this evening and I find that I need to ask a question: Do you ever hear that little voice when you start a book that says "this is going to prove to be an awful novel?"
Well, this one has that fishy flavor. It's one of those books you know is going to be awful from a line on the first page. The gem?
"He needed the sea like he needed a woman."
Oh God, Mrs. B. I read that line, the last line of the first paragraph, and asked myself what in the world possessed me to buy this thing. Yes, it was $.50, but so were many other books. It was a library book sale after all.
I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but I may have to change my mind if it gets much worse.
Anyway, much love and I'll write again soon. I know I need to do a proper update. There's books to talk about.
And there's Camp Nano.
But -- later.